Hi, we are Farfar, five friends from Antwerp, who share a deep love of unique sounds. Though mostly instrumental, every song is a little story on its own. Some will make you dance while others will sink you into deep contemplation.
In 2022 we recorded and released our debut album 'Calima' with two sold-out release concerts in AMOR (De Roma) on November 18 and 22.
Singles from 'Calima' have already been played on Belgian Radio Klara. Toon -farfar's guitarist and composer- was interviewed by Valencian Radio à Punt about our first single 'Els Tarongers de Miramar'. Michael Robberechts also invited us for an interview on the Radio 1 show 'Time Out' to talk about our debut album .
A jury consisting of Michaël Robberechts (Radio 1), Irene Rossi (Ancienne Belgique), Michel Goedart (Radio Campus) en Morgane Mathieu (Festival d'Art Huy) nominated Calima together with three other albums. Ultimately, popular vote decided: Calima deserved the first ever BWMN-award for best album. On January 22 farfar was presented the award on the BWMN Music Night @ Ancienne Belgique.
"Het fijne vijftal Farfar levert hier een album af waarop hoogwaardig en met uiterst fijngevoelige precisie wordt gemusiceerd."
"Wat Farfar hier aflevert, is veel meer dan een visitekaartje. Het is een indrukwekkend werkstuk van vijf begeesterde en talentvolle muzikanten van de soort dat je er maar zelden eentje te horen krijgt"
"Farfar zet zich met deze eerste plaat Calima op de muzikale kaart. [...] Wat we vooral onthouden, is dat dit muziek is die likkebaardend uitkijkt naar podia aller lande om live gespeeld te worden."
Calima is a wind carrying Sahara sand, which most often affects the Canary Islands. This phenomenon makes for beautiful pictures, such as the one taken by Dani Miquel Allué, which we used for the cover of our album. Sometimes this wind carries the sand even further, into the European mainland. Calima is the metaphor for the musical influences obviously blown over the Mediterranean into our music.
Farfar has performed throughout Belgium at Leuven Jazz, De Centrale, Trix, a.o. They also made the selection of Sound Track 2023.
Siemen Van Gucht (Percussion)
Sam D'hondt (Fretless Bas)
Joachim Thys (Alto, Tenor Saxophone & Flute)
Toon Verdonck (Guitar, Spanish Lute, Bouzouki)
Jonas Paenen (Keys)
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Farfar is an independent self-managed band. Want to reach out or book us?
Contact us at: farfarband@gmail.com